Ganpat Vidyalay is an English medium school from Nursery to 12th (Science and Commerce) affiliated to GSEB. The school was established in 2001 in Kherva. Presently, it is supported by Ganpat University and run inside the university campus. at Ganpat Vidyanagar which is located 16 km from Mehsana on Mehsana - Gandhinagar Highway.
The school was established with the aim of imparting education to the wards of the resident employees of university. However, the another aim was to provide and an English Medium school to the rural periphery of campus. Ganpat Vidyalay aims to provide best education along with social and cultural development of students.
It shall be the constant endeavor of Ganpat University & Ganpat Vidyalay to meet the English Medium Educational need of the children in the state of Gujarat & to provide state of the art learning opportunities along with inculcation of value of commitments and uprightness.
Ganpat Vidyalay has a vision to provide the quality English Medium Education not only in the big towns but also to make it popular in the interior areas of the Gujarat state.
Seek, search and offer programs that lead to symbiotic emergence of 'academic excellence' and 'industrial relevance' in education and research with Value - driven and Child - Centric approach.
The focus of our primary years program is to help children develop further on their natural curiosity. We encourage our students to apply their thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
We do not compartmentalize learning by subjects, but rather explore content within the context of inquiry. Our students understand the interconnectedness of subject areas through exploring concepts, ideas, and issues of local and global significance. In doing so, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
We encourage our students to understand and appreciate their own cultures and histories, and to be open to the perspectives, values, and traditions of other individuals and communities. Our students are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, before forming their opinion about a particular topic.